Last Updated: 2 July 2010



The Province of Ba shall comprise all that portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the north coast of Viti Levu at the north western most corner of Nasoro iTaukei Grant on the south eastern side of Tavua Bay; thence south and westerly for a distance of approximately 58 miles to Korodranidole No 2 earth mound; thence southerly for a distance of 11 miles to Nadevo earth mound; thence westerly for a distance of approximately 24 miles to the western most corner of Nacobi Freehold on the west coast of Viti Levu; thence by the sea coast northerly and easterly to the point of commencement; together with the small island adjacent thereto and the island of Kadavulailai, Lutuka, Malamala, Nawaqarua, Vomo, Vunavadra, Yakuilau and the Yasawa Group of islands and the small islands adjacent thereto. The whole of such area being more particularly delienated and edged red on plans PP 442 deposited in the office of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Suva; Commissioner Western, Lautoka; Provincial Office, Ba; Provincial Office, Ra.


The tikina of Ba shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba bounded by a line running from Nararaqata earthmound on the sea coast near Vatutavui village.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to the northernmost corner of Namau freehold.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 19 miles to Natodra No 1 earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Malosewa earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast generally north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Nanuya and Nawaqarua and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 5 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Magodro shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba bounded by a line running from Natodra No 1 earthmound southerly for a distance of approximately 24 miles to Namako No 1 earthmound.

Thence easterly for approximately 21 miles to the junction of Nabunimedre creek and the Lavevatu creek.

Thence northerly for approximately 24 miles to the northernmost corner of Namau freehold.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 19 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in blue on Plan PP 5 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nadi shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba bounded by a line running from the westernmost corner of Nacobi freehold on the sea coast.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Naqarakawa earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 23 miles to Nagado earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to the mouth of the Sabeto river at the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast south westerly and southerly to the point of commencement.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Naqarakawa earthmound.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Malamala and Yakuilau.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 5 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Naviti shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba, consisting of the islands of Drawaqa, Kuata, Nanuyabalavu, Narara, Naukacuvu, Naviti, Vatu, Viwa, Waya and Wayasewa.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged mauve on Plan PP 5 and PP 6 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nawaka shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba bounded by a line running from Nagado earthmound easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Korodoko Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 30 miles to Nasita earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to Naqarakawa earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 23 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in sepia on Plan PP 5 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The district of Tavua shall comprise a portion of the Province of Ba, on the island of Viti Levu and following adjacent islands; Coboyavu, Laulaudrau, Launiu, Lotonikoro, Manava, Naboginivalu, Nabunawaidui, Nacoro, Nadomonibelo, Naikodro, Nailavanisarau, Naisogoraki, Naisogosalusalu, Naitavutavuniciva, Nakase, Nakoroniyalewa, Nalesi, Namatautiti, Nagataboto, Nagaucia, Naqelenisilasila, Nasivatu, Natabuivalu, Navalenidri, Navanuacebo, Naveisebua, Navuavuabalavu, Nasi, Nukuivovo, Nukulevu, Nukumasevu, Tavuca, Valewataliga, Vatialailai, Vatubuli, Vatulelekitoga, Vawe, Vuninokonoko, Vutuna, Waidulumi, Wainitavua, Yanuca and Yasawa.

Limits and Boundaries, Commencing at the mouth of the Yaqara or Dinibula River on the sea coast in Tavua Bay thence along the said river upstream (the said river being the mutual boundary of Nasoro iTaukei Grant NG 113 and Naisara or Yaqara State Grant CG 1062) to a point on its left bank (the said point being the southern most extremity of Naisara or Yaqara State Grant) thence leaving the said bank by a direct line southerly following the western bound my of the Nasoro iTaukei Grant crossing the Navibaba stream and passing through Nakorokase, Vatukau to Cobota Trigonometrical Station thence descending easterly and south easterly to Namadra thence by a direct line and still following the boundary of the said iTaukei Grant crossing the Vitivanua stream to Nadolodolo on the left bank of the Dolodolo stream thence following up the said stream till it becomes the Matasasa Stream thence following up the Matasasa Stream to Matasasa on a low spur thence south westerly in a direct line passing through Piabo, Delaimatakolele, Matamatako Tutunavokai (BQ) on a high ridge thence south westerly following that ridge to Korolevu thence south westerly following a ridge to Korolevu Trigonometrical Station (beacon) thence north westerly following that ridge and passing through Vutogoli, Korolevuiqele and Naibunibuni to Navugavuga thence northerly a distance of about 7.5 chains to the southern corner of Qeledradra State Grant 1084 on a high spur thence north westerly following the south western boundary of the said State Grant descending to the Waisai creek and crossing that creek and following the south western boundary of Nakauvuli State Grant 1070 to Drumasi Trigonometrical Station at the eastern corner of Yaladro State Grant 1269 thence south westerly following the south eastern boundary of Yaladro to state Grant 1269 to Kaugete at the northern corner of Sukualaki iTaukei Grant No 92; thence south easterly following the north eastern boundary of Sukualaki iTaukei Grant to its junction with the left bank of the Mataitunada stream; thence following down left bank of said stream to its confluence with the Rarakavidi stream; thence following down the left bank of the Rarakavidi stream; crossing the government road from Nadarivatu to Tavua, to the Wainivoce creek; thence following left bank of said creek downstream to a paint on its left bank opposite the south eastern corner of Sukualaki iTaukei Grant; thence southerly leaving the Wainivoce creek by a direct line to Viakuvi on a hill; thence by a direct line south westerly passing through Nubutikainakenacalevu to a point on the right bank of the Nasivi River about 3 chains south west of Nubutikainakenacalevu; thence south easterly following up the right bank of the Nasivi River to its junction with the Vunivesi River and the Waikubukubu River at Waikubukubu; thence southerly following the Vunivesi River to the mouth of the Wainivesi creek; thence continuing in a southerly direction following up said creek to Nakoseva; thence south westerly ascending by a direct line to Soronabula IP and stones on a ridge; thence westerly by a direct line crossing the Nasau creek and descending to Nualevu IP and stones on a spur; thence north westerly by a direct line crossing over the Vunavere, Tikosasiu and Taukolutu creeks to Nasoqo creek to Sonabilo IP on a ridge; thence westerly by a direct line crossing over a small creek to Delainalali IP on a ridge; thence westerly by a direct line crossing over the Nubunisona creek and a small creek to Vukawa; thence in a similar direction by a direct line crossing the Botewa creek to Nasolo IP on a ridge; thence by a direct line south westerly crossing a small creek and the Matekonaka creek to Tagane IP on a ridge; thence south easterly by a direct line crossing the Tabuyau creek twice to Matekonaka on the Koroboya-Nadarivatu main road; thence southerly direct to Savulovu on a ridge; thence southerly direct to Nailito; thence south easterly and south westerly following along ridge to Tibitibinadavuikai on a ridge; thence southerly by a direct line crossing the Nabati creek to Buredamu on a ridge; thence southerly by a direct line to Delai on a ridge; thence southerly by a direct line to Vatunilele on a spur; thence south westerly by a direct line crossing the Saravalo creek to Vatukina on a ridge; thence descending westerly to Draunisaulaki on the Wainamonamo creek; thence north westerly following the Wainamonamo creek upstream to the mouth of the Togosai creek; thence following the Togosai creek upstream to its source and ascending westerly to Viakuvi or Tokokutadradra on a ridge; thence by a direct line west south westerly crossing the head branches of the Mala creek to Namosi or Nakula on a high ridge; thence by a direct line westerly crossing the Namosi creek and a ridge to Tukunawa on the Saqunu creek; thence by a direct line north westerly ascending to Koroivatubuli Trigonometrical Station on the eastern boundary of Namau Freehold (NG 160); thence following the Namau Freehold north easterly to Koronareba; thence north westerly along Namau Freehold passingTadrakosira, Rara, Korosina, Raradromodromo, to the most northern corner of Namau Freehold (Tikina Ba); thence following a ridge northerly passing Nabitukusakusa and Launavuga Trigonometrical Station to Vatucukinoso; thence descending easterly to the source of the Nagasau creek and following the Nagasau creek downstream to Natokolo on the right bank; thence by a line northerly ascending to Tekenakoro or Natokolo on a ridge; thence following the ridge easterly passing Korocubucubu Trigonometrical Station and Vatuniyaqona to the most western corner of Tovatova Freehold (CG 1144); thence following the western boundary of the Tovatova Freehold north easterly to Delainalili Trigonometrical Station meeting the southern corner of Koro and Freehold (NG 163); thence following the southern and western boundary of Koro 2 Freehold westerly and northerly passing Korodruga or Dagani to Vatuvirivirikia on a ridge; thence following the ridge westerly passing Lovolovonitabakau, Yanesaqa and Bukaniwakoka to Cibicibinacagi I and north westerly along the ridge passing Vatukoka, Vasavuru Trigonometrical Station and Nasauniwaqa to Navadratikaievoto the south western corner of Nasivi Freehold (CG 1089); thence by lines north westerly passing Tavuyaga, Tokosaviri and Tabalenase to Nararagata on the sea coast near the village of Vatutavui; thence following the sea coast in a northerly and easterly direction to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delienated and edged red on Plan PP 445 deposited in the office of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Suva; Commissioner Western Division, Lautoka; Provincial Office, Ba; Provincial Office, Ra.


The tikina of Vuda shall comprise that portion of the province of Ba bounded by a line running from Malosewa earthmound southerly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to Nagado earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to the mouth of the Sabeto River at the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast north westerly and north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bekana, Kadavu, Luvuka, Malevu, Nukunimanu, Savala, Tai, Tivua, Vio, Vomo, Vomo Lailai, Vunavadra and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in carmine on Plan PP 5 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Yasawa shall comprise the following portion of the province of Ba consisting of the islands of Matacawalevu, Nacula, Naituvatuva, Nanuyaira, Nanuyaiyata, Nanuyalailai, Nanuyalevu, Sawailau, Tavewa, Vawa, Viwa, Yalewa-kalou, Yaqeta, Yasawa, Yawini and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 6 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Bua shall comprise all that portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the north coast of Vanua Levu at the mouth of Sovani creek on the boundary between Vunicibicibi and Navoavoa freeholds south easterly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to Nodrauqiqi-yaganasausauwaki earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to the mouth of the Kilaka creek on the south coast of Vanua Levu.

Thence by the sea coast first south westerly then north westerly and then north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Tavea, Galoa, Yaqaga, Nasonisoni and Namenalala and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 14 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Bua shall comprise that portion of the province of Bua bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Bua Bay at the mouth of Vunidawa or Kakawadoi creek easterly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Navotuvotu Trigonometrical Station earthmound. Thence north easterly for approximately 13 miles to Vunicagicagi earthmound near Kalakala Trigonometrical Station.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to the sea coast at the mouth of Sovani creek on the boundary between Vunicibicibi freehold and Navuavua freehold. Thence along the sea coast westerly and southerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bekana, Galoa, Koso, Natiavuni, Navatu, Nukuira, Nukumala, Oadrau, Ruarua, Taveya, Toberua, Vatukatolu, Vedralalevu, Yanucagi and Yaqaga and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 14 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Vuya shall comprise the following portions of the province of Bua.

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Kilaka Bay at the mouth of the Kilaka river westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Muremure No 1 earthmound at the source of Nagasauniuniu creek.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to the mouth of Suetabu creek at the sea coast in Wainunu Bay.

Thence along the sea coast easterly and northerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Koroikovu, Koroniasaca, Namenalala, Nasonisoni, Navatu, Vatubuco and the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Bua Bay at the mouth of Navunidawa or Kakawadoi creek easterly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Navotuvotu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Sovi No 1 earthmound on the sea coast.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Lekubi Namotu, Yadua, Yaduataba and the small islands adjacent thereto.

Both such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 14 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wainunu shall comprise that portion of the province of Bua bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Wainunu Bay at the mouth of Suetabu creek northerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Nodrauqiqiyaganasausauwaki earthmound.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 17 miles to Nadomole earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to Sovi No 1 earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast north easterly and southerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 14 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Cakaudrove shall comprise all that portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Vanua Levu at the mouth of Kilaka creek northerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to Nodrauqiqiyaganasausauwaki earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 130 miles to the sea coast at Udu Point at the north eastern extremity of Vanua Levu.

Thence by the sea coast first southerly and then south westerly then north easterly and again southerly and then westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Kioa, Laucala, Matima, Nanukulevu, Naqelelevu, Nukubasaga, Nukusemanu, Qamea, Rabe, Taveuni, Vetauua and Yanuca and the small islands adjacent theteto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP l5 deposited in the ·office of the Director of Lands.


The Tikina of Cakaudrove shall comprise the following portions of the province of Cakaudrove—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Buca Bay at the mouth of Nayalalevu creek near the village of Loa westerly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Dovumatua earthmound on the north eastern boundary of Valavala freehold.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to Delainaqilo earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to the sea coast near Vunilagi estate.

Thence along the sea coast easterly and north westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Benauiwai, Cakaudrove, Drativau, Kia, Kioa, Nanucaiwai, Naumena, Rabe and Yanuyanu-wiri and the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Taveuni bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the northernmost corner of Tuvumaca freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Naucunikoli on the western shore of Tagimaucia Lake.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the mouth of Wainabua creek on the sea coast.

Thence along the sea coast south westerly to South Cape, north westerly to Vuna Point and north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Korolevu, Nukutolu islets, Yacata and the small islands adjacent thereto.

Both such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in green on plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The Tikina of Nasavusavu shall comprise the following portions of the province of Cakaudrove—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Savarekareka Bay on the boundary between Savarekareka freehold and Navunitavi freehold northerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to Mariko Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to the south east corner of Navorou freehold on the sea coast in Navorou Bay.

Thence along the sea coast of Natewa Bay southerly, easterly and north easterly for a distance of approximately 28 miles to Navirimaca earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 3 miles to the north eastern corner of Valavala freehold.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to the mouth of the Mataniwai River on the sea coast near Vunilagi Estate.

Thence along the sea coast south westerly and westerly, passing Salt Lake to Lesiaceva Point.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly, passing Nakama and Valeci, to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bakabaka, Lotu, Naitilo, Narogai, Navatudamu, Naviavia, Nawaci, Nawi, Nukudrau, Savasi, Vanuanawa, Yanuyanu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Natewa Bay at the mouth of Tabia or Vunidogoloa creek south westerly for a distance of approximately one mile along the sea coast to Vuinasoso earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to Uluisavu earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to Lovonivuaka earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to the point of commencement.

Together with the islands adjacent thereto.

(3) Portion No 3

That portion of the island of Vanua Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Natewa Bay at the southern corner of Warikaba freehold north westerly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to Uluinasekalavo earthmound.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately one mile to Siliyaga earthmound.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to Vunidakua No 1 earthmound on the sea coast of Natewa Bay.

Thence along the sea coast south westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Saqani shall comprise that portion of the province of Cakaudrove bounded by a line running from the sea coast at Udu Point, the north eastern tip of Vanua Levu south westerly for a distance of approximately 30 miles to Gusuivuniivi earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to the mouth of Dawato River on the sea coast of Natewa Bay.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Tunuloa shall comprise that portion of the province of Cakaudrove bounded by a line running from the sea coast to Buca Bay at the mouth of Nayalalevu creek near the village of Loa westerly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to Navirimaca on the sea coast in Natewa Bay.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly and south westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Vaturova shall comprise that portion of the province of Cakaudrove bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Natewa Bay at the mouth of Dawato River north westerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to the confluence of Draladamu creek with Natabe creek.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 24 miles to Delainalawa earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 17 miles to the south east boundary of Navorau freehold on the sea coast in Navorau Bay.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wailevu shall comprise that portion of the province of Cakaudrove bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Savarekareka Bay on the boundary between Savarekareka freehold and Navunitavi freehold northerly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to Delainalawa earth mound.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 56 miles to Nodrauqiqiyaganasausauwaki earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to the mouth of Kilaka River on the sea coast on Kilaka Bay.

Thence by the sea coast north easterly and south easterly, along the shores of Kilaka Bay, Savusavu Bay, Valaga Bay and Savarekareka Bay to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Dogodogo, Naduri, Nariqi and Vaturokobe and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in pink on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wainikeli shall comprise that portion of the province of Cakaudrove bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the northernmost corner of Tuvumaca freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to Naucunikoli on the western shore of Tagimaucia Lake.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the mouth of Wainibau creek on the sea coast.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly, northerly and south westerly, to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Laucala, Malima, Matagi, Nanukulailai, Nanukulevu, Naqelelevu, Nukubasaga, Nukupureti, Qamea, Tauriria, Vetauwa and Yanuca and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in blue on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Kadavu shall comprise the islands of Kadavu, Buliya, Dravuni, Galoa and Matanuku and the small islands adjacent thereto and more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 17 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nabukelevu shall comprise that portion of the island of Kadavu bounded by a line running from the northern sea coast at the mouth of Waica Creek near the westernmost corner of Richmond freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Nukulobolobo and north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the island of Nagigia.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 17 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Naceva shall comprise that portion of the island of Kadavu bounded by a line running from the southern sea coast at Vunigali northerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Vunibau on the northern coast near the village of Vunisei in Daku Bay.

Thence along the sea coast north easterly and easterly to Vatuveigoleyaki earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to a point on the common boundary between Natidri and Laqera freeholds on the sea coast in Korolevu Bay.

Thence along the sea coast southerly and westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Naitukuwalu, Nayanuyanu, Vonobia and Waya and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 17 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nakasaleka shall comprise that portion of the island of Kadavu bounded by a line running from the northern sea coast at Vatuveigoleyaki southerly to a point on the common boundary between Natidri and Laqera freeholds on the sea coast in Korolevu Bay.

Thence along the sea coast easterly and northerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bala, Buabua, Buliya, Dravuni, Lanitua, Mataikadavu, Namara, Solo, Vanuakula, Vanuatabu, Vesa, Vurolevu, Yabu, Yakuvelailai and Yakuvelevu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 17 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Tavuki shall comprise that portion of the island of Kadavu bounded by a line running from the northern sea coast at the mouth of Waica Creek near the westernmost corner of Richmond freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Nukulobolobo on the southern coast.

Thence by the sea coast generally north easterly, passing Yaravu Bay and Galoa harbour to Vunigali.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Vunibau on the northern coast near the village of Vunisei in Daku Bay.

Thence along the sea coast in a general south westerly direction, passing Muadule, Namalata Bay and Tavuki Bay to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Galoa, Kanamoiyanuca, Mago, Matanuku, Menaga, Niuvaqau, Tawadromu, Vunivesi, Yadatavaya, Yanuyanulevu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 17 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Lau shall comprise the islands of the Lau group, including the islands of Welagilala, Naitauba, Vanuabalavu including Yavea, Cikobia-i-lau, Namalata and Susui, Kanacea, Vatuvara, Mago, Katafaga, Tuvuca, Cicia, Nayau, Lakeba, Oneata, Komo, Vanuavatu, Moala, Matuku, Totoya, Kabara, Namuka-i-lau, Moce and Vulaga, more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 15 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Cicia shall comprise the island of Cicia.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in blue on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Kabara shall comprise the islands of Kabara, Komo, Marabo, Namuka-i-lau, Olorua, Tavunasici and Vuaqava and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Lakeba shall comprise the islands of Aiwa, Lakeba and Vanuamasi and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Lomaloma shall comprise the southern portion of the island of Vanuabalavu bounded by a line running from Vunimoli on the sea coast westerly to Nailoilo on the sea coast.

Thence along the sea coast southerly and northerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Kanacea, Katafaga, Mago, Munia, Naitauba, Namalata, Susui, Tuvuca, Vatuvara, Vekai, Welagilala and Yanuyanu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan No 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Matuku shall comprise the islands of Matuku and Welagi and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in black on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Moala shall comprise the island of Moala and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in cadmium yellow on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Moce shall comprise the islands of Koroni and Moce and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in neutral tint on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Mualevu shall comprise the northern portion of the island of Vanuabalavu bounded by a line running from Vunimoli on the sea coast westerly to Nailoilo on the sea coast.

Thence along the sea coast northerly, easterly and southerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Adavaci, Cikobia-i-lau, Kibobo, Qilaqila, Sovu and Yavea and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nayau shall comprise the island of Nayau and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in light brown on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Oneata shall comprise the islands of Loa and Oneata and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in carmine on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Ono shall comprise the islands of Ono-i-Lau, together with the islands of Tuvana-i-ra, Tuvana-i-colo, Vatoa, Doi and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in veridan on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Totoya shall comprise the islands of Totoya and Vanuavatu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in sepia on Plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Vulaga shall comprise the islands of Navutu-i-loma, Navutu-i-ra, Nayabo, Ogeadriki, Ogealevu, Vulaga and Yagasalevu.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on plan PP 18 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Lomaiviti shall comprise the islands of Batiki, Gau, Koro, Makogai, Makodraga, Moturiki, Nairai, Ovalau, Wakaya and Yanucalevu and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in red on plan PP 19 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Batiki shall comprise the island of Batiki and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 19 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Gau shall comprise the island of Gau and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 19 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Koro shall comprise the island of Koro and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 19 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Moturiki shall comprise the island of Moturiki and the small islands adjacent thereto, and the islands of Nagasautabu, Naivakataqanisaisai, Yanucalailai and Yanucalevu. The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 189 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands and Surveyor-General.


The tikina of Nairai shall comprise the island of Nairai and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 19 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Ovalau shall comprise the island of Ovalau and the small islands adjacent thereto, and the islands of Makodraga, Makogai and Wakaya.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 189 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands and Surveyor-General.


The Province of Macuata shall comprise all that portion of the Island of Vanua Levu, including the small islands adjacent thereto, together with Macuata-i-wai, Kia, Mali Kavewa, Druadrua and Gevo Islands.

Limit and Boundaries

Commencing on the north coast of Vanua Levu at the mouth of the Sovani Creek on the boundary between Vunicibicibi and Navoavoa free holds; thence fo11owing the Sovani Creek upstream to its source at the south­eastern comer of Navoavoa freehold; thence by the south-western boundary of Vunicibicibi freehold south-easterly to its southern most corner; thence by the southern eastern boundary of Vunicibicibi freehold north-easterly to the Nadrala Creek; thence following the Nadrala Creek upstream to its junction with the Namalivaliva Creek; thence following the Namalivaliva Creek upstream to its source and ascending southerly to Beka on a ridge; thence north-westerly following the ridge to Naliu; thence descending south­westerly to the junction of the Natorani and Vuniqalo Creeks; thence following the Vuniqalo Creek downstream to its junction with the Natonono Creek; thence south-westerly ascending a spur to Vatukobola; thence descending south-westerly to the source of the Naqaraniqoli Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Nakakawadawa Creek; thence following the Nakakawadawa Creek upstream to its source and ascending south-westerly to Vunicagicagi on a ridge; thence westerly following the ridge to Ririkinayalo; thence south-westerly descending a spur to the Koroivarivari Creek; thence south-westerly ascending a spur to Navatavesi No. 2 on a ridge; thence westerly following the ridge to Navatavesi No. 1; thence south-easterly descending a spur to the Veivatuvatulelevu Creek thence ascending and descending spurs to Daikotonibau on the Naburutovu Creek at its junction with the Savusalala Creek; thence following the Naburutovu Creek upstream to its junction with the Kakale Creek; thence following the Kakale Creek upstream to its source and ascending south­easterly to Kakale on a ridge; thence descending easterly to the source of the Nakorodreka Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Nacibicibi Creek; thence by a direct line easterly for 27 chains to Korovou on a ridge; thence south easterly following the ridge to Delainaikede; thence north-easterly descending a spur to Vuimasunani on the Draniyalo Creek; thence easterly ascending a spur to Vunivasiya and south easterly descending a spur to Vuilovoi at the mouth of the Lovoi Creek on the right bank of the Nabuna River; thence following the Nabuna River downstream to the mouth of the Bureni Creek on its left bank; thence following the Bureni Creek upstream to Bureni; thence north-easterly ascending a spur to Batidradrug on a ridge; thence by a direct line northerly for 17 chains to Vunikavikasi on a spur; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 30 chains to Naliuboto on a ridge; thence descending south-easterly to the source of the Vuniwaciwaci Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Tukulou Creek; thence north easterly ascending a spur to Nacekeirakuro on a ridge; thence by a direct line north easterly for 12 chains to Sikamanulevu on the Draholailai Creek; thence by a direct line northerly for 15 chains to Rokorokoiratuni on a ridge; thence by a direct line north­easterly for 5 chains to Vatumasese on the Namatasakuka Creek; thence following the Namatasakuka Creek downstream to its junction with the Dranolevu Creek; thence following the Dranolevu Creek downstream to its junction with the Navakasasa Creek; thence following the Navakasasa Creek upstream to its head and ascending easterly to Nodrauqiqiyaganasausauwaki on a ridge; thence northerly following the ridge to Batinivatu; thence by a direct line north easterly for 63 chains to Vunimoli on the Naura Creek: thence by a direct line north-easterly for 36 chains to Nayabia on a spur; thence by a direct line northerly for 92 chains to Narivi on a spur; thence by a direct line northerly for 86 chains to Nasivi on the main dividing range; thence descending north-easterly to die source of the Walu Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Nawiri Creek; thence following the Nawi Creek upsteam to its source and ascending north-westerly to Nabanikaikai on a spur; thence by a direct line north westerly for 32 chains to Narara on a spur; thence descending northerly to the source of the Narara Creek and following that creek downstream to its mouth on the right bank of the Lutukina River; thence following the Lutukina River downstream to its junction with the Drawa River; thence following the Drawa River downstream to its junction With the Naua River; thence following the Naua River downstream to its junction with the Dreketi river at Nadoi; thence along the Dreketi river upstream to the mouth of Vunitivi creek; thence following that creek north easterly for about one and a half chains to where it forks and ascending in the same direction to Vunitivi 1 (B/q) on a spur; thence northerly in a direct line passing Delaidranivesi (B/q) on a track and crossing the Nacuruveiqiri creek and two tracks to Nauouo(B/v) on a small hill; thence descending in the same direction to the centre of Vunibelebele or Wailailai River; thence following the centre of that river downstream to its mouth at the right bank of Dreketi river at the river crossing of the road connecting Batiri village and Natua Village; thence along•the Dreketi river upstream to its junction with the Seaqaqa river at Veriseaqaqa; thence following the Seaqaqa river upstream to its junction with the Vakadranusinu creek; thence following the Vakadranusinu creek upstream to its junction with the Bulu Creek; thence following the Bulu creek upstream to its source Delaibulu on a ridge; thence following the said ridge generally south westerly to Vatuvui Trigonotrietrical Station; thence turning generally northerly along a branch ridge passing Lovonayabia to Nasiganilawa; thence generally westerly along ridge passing Narukiruka 2 on top of ridge and descending south westerly to Narukaruka 1 on the Narukaruka Creek; thence following that creek downstream to its junction with Nabitibiti creek; thence along the Nabitibiti creek upstream to its source at Naosoyaganivonu; thence descending south westerly to the source of Matawalaki creek; thence following that creek downstream to its confluence with Naseuwaga and Savuibici or Drouwa creek at Matawalaki; thence following the Savuibici Creek downstream to its junction with Tabalewa creek at Veritabalewa; thence along the Tabalewa creek upstream to its source at Taqanavocoa 1 on the main dividing range; thence following the main dividing range first easterly to Naocovakalolo then northerly to Vaturadua and then again easterly to Delainalawa; thence following a ridge first north­westerly passing Delaikoro Trigonoriletrical Station to Naqaka and then north-easterly to Baleyaganikula; thence descending a spur north-westerly to Motuyagaikaveta; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 85 chains to Dalovosavosa; thence by a direct,line north-easterly for 61 chains. to Dalovosavosa; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 70 chains to Navuakaidigale on a ridge; thence northerly following the ridge to Vatusaqavaki; thence by a direct line south-easterly for 47 chains to Waidamudamu; thence by a direct line easterly for 10 chains to Vunivia; thence•by a direct line easterly for 30 chains to Navutuvutu; thence by a direct line easterly for 30 chains to Nubunidruki on the Nubunidruki Creek; thence by a direct line easterly for 18 chains to Saqailoma; thence by a direct line easterly for 14 chains to Tayaganiwaqa; thence by a direct line easterly for 34 chains to Bua; thence by a direct line south-easterly passing through Batisasa for 35 chains to the left bank of the Labasa River; thence following the Labasa River upstream to the mouth of the Vuniwi Creek on its right bank; thence following the Vuniwi Creek upstream to its source and ascending south easterly to Delaivuniwi on a ridge; thence north easterly following the ridge to Delainaqaraqara No. 1; thence descending north-easterly to the source of the Nacacaga Creek and following that creek downstream to its mouth on the left bank of the Namoli Creek; thence following the Namoli Creek upstream to Nasea on its left bank; thence south-easterly ascending a spur to Delaiwadamu on a ridge; thence•north-easterly following the ridge to Delainatoletole; thence easterly descending a spur to Tamoicabeu on the Cabeu Creek; thence following the Cabeu Creek upstream to its source and ascending north-easterly to Vatunidromu Trigortometrical Station on a ridge; thence north-easterly descending spur to Sobinametoki; thence by a direct line northerly for 22 chains to Vatutu on the Taveta Creek; thence following the Taveta Creek downstream on the mouth of the Kebu Creek on its right bank; thence following the Kebu Creek upstream to Tamoikebu; thence by a direct line north-westerly for21 chains to Dalikasou; thence by a direct line north-westerly for 18 chains to Naulu; thence descending north­westerly to the Vunivaivai Creek and following that creek upstream to its source and ascending north-westerly to Navico on a ridge; thence north­westerly following the ridge to Cagoveitaleyaki No. 1, thence descending north-easterly to the source of the Qaratavunayala Creek and following that creek downstream to Qaratavunayala; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 48 chains to Vatucivaciva on the left bank of the Qawa Creek; thence following the Qawa Creek upstream to the mouth of the Wawavonu Creek on its right bank; thence following the Wawavonu Creek upstream to its source and ascending north-easterly to Korociciwalu on a ridge; thence north­easterly following the ridge to Navuloa; thence by a direct line easterly for22 chains to Dramea on a ridge; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 40 chains to Koroirovarova on a ridge; thence north-easterly descending a spur to Sawani on the Sawani Creek; thence north-westerly ascending a spur to Delaivunivota on a ridge; thence north-easterly following the ridge to Voavoakacu; thence by a direct line north-westerly for 61 chains to Nacawa on a ridge; thence north-easterly following the rigde to Laulauwaqa; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 23 chains to Dunadunaiyalo on the left bank of the Bucaisau River; thence following the Bucaisau River downstream to the mouth of the Wailoa Creek on its right bank; thence following the Wailoa Creek upstream to its source and ascending north-easterly to Nabatu No.1 on a ridge; thence westerly following the ridge to Nabatu No.3; thence descending north-easterly to the source of the Natabe Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Draladamu Creek; thence following the Draladamu Creek upstream to its junction with the Tilou Creek; thence following the Tilou Creek upstream to its source and ascending easterly to Domoitilou on a ridge; thence south-westerly following the ridge to Domoiwaidra; thence descending north-easterly to the source of the Waidra Creek and following that creek downstream to its junction with the Nalagi Creek; thence following the Nalagi Creek upstream to Gusuivuniivi on its right bank; thence by a direct line easterly for 21 chains to Kalousakuka on a ridge; thence by a direct line north-easterly for 5 chains to Vunimalawaci on the Waibata Creek; thence following the Waibata Creek downstream to its mouth on the left bank of the Nadogo River; thence following the Nadogo River downstream to its junction with the Bucakoto River; thence following the Bucakoto River upstream to the mouth of the Wainiwawau Creek on its right bank; thence following the Wainiwawau Creek upstream to its source and ascending north-easterly to Vunisava on a ridge; thence south-easterly descending a spur to Nubunivuso on the Nubunivuso Creek; thence by a direct line south-easterly for 10 chains•to Raulevu on a spur; thence north-easterly ascending the spur to Navasa on a ridge; thence following the ridge first north-easterly to Kaliliwaliwa and then south easterly to Delainavadra; thence north-easterly descending a spur to the Nasavu River at the mouth of the Savu Creek; thence following the Savu Creek upstream to its source and ascending south-easterly to Uluilae on the main dividing range; thence following the main dividing range in a general north-easterly direction passing through Balebaleyaganilialia Trigonometrical Station. Tukicumu Trigonometrical Station. Tabualago Trigonometri cal Station and Uluikamali Trigonometrical Station and descending to the sea coast at Udu Point at the north-eastern extremity of Vanua Levu; thence by the sea coast in a general south-westerly direction to the point of commen cement including all islands adjacent thereto, together with Macuata-i-wai, Kia, Mali, Kavewa, Druadrua and Gevo Islands.

The boundaries affected for the Province of Macuata being more particularly delienated and edged red on Proclamation Plan PP 16A deposited in the Offices of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Suva; Commissioner Northern Division, Labasa, District Officer Macuata and Provincial Office Macuata, Labasa.


The province of Nadroga and Navosa shall comprise all that portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at Qalimaca Point northerly for a distance of approximately 23 miles to Vatunilevaleva Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to Vugadrodrolevu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Rairaikitasai.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 36 miles to Navunitorilau.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 58 miles to Korodranidole No 2 earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to Korouluvatu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly and north westerly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to the west coast of Viti Levu.

Thence by the sea coast first southerly and then easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the island of Vatulele and the Mamanuca and Malolo groups of islands including Eori, Malolo, Namotu, Navadra, Qalito, Tavarua and Tavua and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Baravi shall comprise that portion of the province of Nadroga and Navosa bounded by a line running from Qalimaca Point on the sea coast about one mile west of Navutulevu village northerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Tuvutau (Mt Gordon) Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Navuwai earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Vatuwaqa (rock) on the sea coast in Korotogo Bay.

Thence following the sea coast generally easterly to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Cuvu shall comprise the following portions of the province of Nadroga and Navosa—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the most westerly corner of Drekeniwai freehold and the most southerly corner of Navadugu freehold west of Cuvu Harbour northerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to Tavunavaka earthmound.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Nabale earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to the sea coast at the mouth of Yalasuna creek.

Thence following the sea north westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the islands of Kaba and Yanuca.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Yarolevu earthmound westerly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to Nawau earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to Koroyaka Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately one mile to Kalidruwe earthmound.

Thence southerly for approximately 2 miles to the point of commencement.

Both such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in blue on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Malolo shall comprise the islands of Malolo, Malololailai, Mana, Namotu, Navini, Qalito, Tavua, Tokoriki and Yavuriba and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Malomalo shall comprise that portion of the province of Nadroga and Navosa bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the most westerly corner of Drekeniwai freehold and the most southerly corner of Navadugu freehold west of Cuvu Harbour northerly for a distance of approximately 44 miles to the north western corner of Nacobi freehold on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast generally south westerly.

Thence south easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Likuri, Navo and Tavarua.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nasigatoka shall comprise that portion of the province of Nadroga and Navosa bounded by a line running from Vatuwaqa (rock).

Thence northerly for approximately 26 miles to Nasita earthmound.

Thence westerly for approximately 22 miles to Vatuisara (rock).

Thence southerly for approximately 24 miles to the sea coast at the mouth of Yalasuna creek.

Thence along the sea coast easterly to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in carmine on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Navosa shall comprise the following portions of the province of Nadroga and Navosa—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Vugadrodrolevu Trigonometrical Station northerly for a distance of approximately 50 miles to Navunitorilau earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 58 miles to Korodranidole No 2 earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to Nadevo earthmound.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 38 miles to the point of commencement.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu contained in tikina Tavua boundary bounded by a line running from the mouth of the Nakaruku creek at its junction with the right bank of the Sigatoka River and following the Nakaruku creek upstream to Nawaica.

Thence north easterly to Matakodaka on the right bank of the Sigatoka River.

Thence following the Sigatoka River downstream to the point of commencement.

Both such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Ruwailevu shall comprise that portion of the province of Nadroga and Navosa bounded by a line running from Koroinadoko Trigonometrical Station southerly for a distance of approximately 7 miles to Vunalolorua earthmound.

Thence westerly and south westerly for a distance of approximately 27 miles to Navuwai earthmound.

Thence northerly for approximately 15 miles to Nasita earthmound.

Thence easterly for approximately 27 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such portion being more particularly delineated and edged in sepia on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Vatulele shall comprise the island of Vatulele and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 7 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Naitasiri shall comprise all that portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at the mouth of the Samabula River on the north side of Laucala Bay north westerly for a distance of approximately 46 miles to Rairaikitasai earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 46 miles to Viakovi earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 68 miles to the mouth of Wainasi creek on the left bank of the Rewa River.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to the mouth of the Nasinu River on the sea coast.

Thence by the sea coast south westerly following the north side of Laucala Bay to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Lomaivuna shall comprise that portion of the province of Naitasiri bounded by a line running from Delaidakua 1 earthmound south westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to the mouth of Naividiligo creek on Savu creek.

Thence north westerly for a distance of approximately 17 miles to Dranovatu on the right bank of the Wainimala River.

Thence following the Wainimala River downstream to its junction with the Rewa River.

Thence easterly and southerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Matailobau shall comprise that portion of the province of Naitasiri bounded by a line running from the mouth of Waikokodra creek at the foot of the Monasavu Falls.

Thence northerly and easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Naivavau Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly and south easterly for a distance of approximately 28 miles to Nakoroniulevu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south westerly and westerly for a distance of approximately 36 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Naitasiri shall comprise that portion of the province of Naitasiri bounded by a line running from the mouth of the Samabula River at the sea coast on the north western side of Laucala Bay running north westerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Wailosilosi on the Waimanu River.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to Delaidakau No 1 earthmound.

Thence southeasterly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Delaiwaivule earthmound.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to the mouth of the Nasinu River on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast south westerly to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Waimaro shall comprise that portion of the province of Naitasiri bounded by a line running from Naitaradamu Trigonometrical Station south easterly for a distance of approximately 17 miles to the junction of Waiturua creek with the Waimanu River.

Thence following the Waimanu River downstream to the mouth of Wailosilosi creek.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 20 miles to Dranovatu on the right bank of the Wainimala River.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 20 miles to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wainimala shall comprise the following portions of the province of Naitasiri—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Tukivatukorokosiga earthmound westerly and southerly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Naitaradamu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Rairaikitasai earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to the head of the Monasavu Falls.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to the mouth of Waiveicabeti creek on the Waimanu River near Saumakia village.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 8 miles from the point of commencement.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Tokaravutia Trigonometrical Station north for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Viakavi earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to Sivonakuala earthmound.

Thence southerly and south westerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to the point of commencement.

Both such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 8 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Namosi shall comprise all the following portions of the island of Viti Levu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at Naivakacau being the southernmost point of Naboro freehold north westerly for a distance of approximately 28 miles to Rairaikitasai earthmound.

Thence westerly and southerly and westerly for a distance of approximately 21 miles to Tikituru Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 39 miles to the mouth of the Togoru River on the south coast.

Thence by the sea coast in a general north easterly direction to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Naqara and Rukunivutu.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the left bank of the Navua River at its confluence with Namakadre creek northerly for a distance of approximately one mile to Wainivigasau earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile to the confluence of Wainivigasau creek with the Navua River.

Thence along the Navua River downstream to the point of commencement.

Both such areas being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 9 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Namosi shall comprise that portion of the province of Namosi bounded by a line running from Navukawaqa on the Waimanu River westerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to the mouth of Wainividrai creek on Wainikovu creek.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to Qelekalia earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to the junction of Waiturua creek with the Waimanu River.

Thence following the Waimanu River upstream to Navukawaqa, the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 9 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Veivatuloa shall comprise that portion of the province of Namosi bounded by a line running from Naivakacau on the sea coast at the south western corner of Naboro freehold northerly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to Navukawaqa on the Waimanu River.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to the mouth of Wainiusaura Creek on Wainikovu creek.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 17 miles to the mouth of the Togoru River on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast generally north easterly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Naqara, Rukunivutu and Vunisoco.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 9 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wainikoroiluva shall comprise the following portions of the province of Namosi—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the mouth of Wainividrai creek on Wainikovu creek northerly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to Naitaradamu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Rairaikitasai earthmound.

Thence southerly and westerly for a distance of approximately 20 miles to Tikituru Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Vunibituvua earthmound.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to the point of commencement.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu contained in Tikina Serua Portion No 3 bounded by a line running from the left bank of the Navua River at its confluence with Manakadre creek northerly for a distance of approximately one mile to Wainivigasau earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile to the confluence of Wainivigasau creek with the Navua River.

Thence along the Navua River downstream to the point of commencement. The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 9 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The Province of Ra shall comprise all that portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the north coast of Viti Levu at the north western most corner of Nasoro iTaukei Grant on the south eastern side of Tavua Bay thence southerly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Korolevu earth mound thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 25 miles to Naivauvau Trigonometrical Station. Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 27 miles to Navatuniveiyala earth mound thence northerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to the mouth of the Doloulu Creek at the north western corner of Tanavuso Freehold on the north east coast thence by the sea coast firstly north westerly thence south westerly to the point of commencement; together with the small island of Macuata, Malake, Nananuira, Nananuicake, Tovu, Vatuira and the small islands adjacent thereto. The whole of such area being more particularly delienated and edged in red on Plan PP 442 deposited in the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Suva; Commissioner Western Division, Lautoka; Provincial Office, Ba, Provincial Office, Ra.


The tikina of Nakorotubu shall comprise that portion of the province of Ra bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the westernmost corner of Tanavuso freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to Navatuniveiyala earthmound.

Thence north westerly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to the confluence of the Wainibuka River with Nautovoti creek.

Thence northerly and south easterly along the sea coast to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Tadruku and Vatuira.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 10 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nalawa shall comprise that portion of the province of Ra bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Viti Levu Bay at Volivoli about half a mile easterly from Barotu village south westerly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Navobo earthmound on the left bank of the Lawaki River.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 7 miles to Sivonakuala earthmound on the Lawaka-Wainimala watershed.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 8 miles to Naivavau Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to the confluence of Kavikamalimali creek with the Wainibuka River.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to high water mark at the head of Viti Levu Bay.

Thence northerly along high water mark to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 10 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Rakiraki shall comprise that portion of the province of Ra bounded by a line running from the westernmost corner of Nakauvuli freehold on the sea coast of Tavua Bay south easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Mocekoroqou earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Suvasuvatuidamu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 21 miles to Namokowai at Ucuivatula Point on the sea coast in Viti Levu Bay.

Thence along the sea coast north westerly, south westerly and westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Cubu, Macuata, Malake, Malolo, Nabua, Nananuicake, Nananuira, Tovu, Tovulailai, Yadre and Yanuca and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such are being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 10 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Saivou shall comprise that portion of the province of Ra bounded by a line running from the sea coast in Viti Levu Bay at Volivoli about half a mile easterly from Barotu village south easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to Navono on the left bank of the Lawaki River.

Thence westerly and north westerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to Mocekoroquo earthmound.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to Suvasuvatuidamu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 21 miles to Namokowai at Ucuivatula Point on the sea coast in Viti Levu Bay.

Thence along the shores of Viti Levu Bay south westerly and southerly to the point of commencement.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 10 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Rewa shall comprise all the following portions of the island of Viti Levu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at the mouth of the Samabula River on the north side of Laucala Bay north westerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Wailosilosi on the right bank of the Waimanu River.

Thence following the Waimanu River upstream to Navukawaqa.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to Naivakacau earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence by the sea coast in a general easterly direction to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the island of Beqa.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at the mouth of the Nasinu River on the north side of Laucala Bay northerly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the mouth of Baleitoga creek upstream on the right bank of the Rewa River.

Thence following the Rewa River downstream to Burebasaga creek on its left bank.

Thence by Burebasaga creek to Nakaile.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to Naiselini earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence by the sea coast first south westerly and then north westerly to the point of commencement excluding Portion No 2 Nakelo Tikina.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Nasoata and Laucala and the islands adjacent thereto.

Both such areas being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 11 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Beqa shall comprise the island of Beqa and the small islands adjacent thereto, and the island of Nanuku.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 11 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Noco shall comprise that portion of the province of Rewa bounded by a line running from Nakaile on the left bank of Burebasaga or Naqio creek at the south east edge of Nakaile village easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Naisalini one at the edge of tiri at high water mark.

Thence south westerly to the mouth of the Nasoata River, excluding Sagasaga island (Tikina Rewa).

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to the point of commencement, excluding Portion No 2 Tikina Nakelo.

Together with the islands of Noco and Valolo.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 11 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Rewa shall comprise that portion of the province of Rewa bounded by a line running from the mouth of the Nasinu River at the sea coast on the northern side of Laucala Bay northerly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the mouth of Baleitoga creek upstream on the right bank of the Rewa River.

Thence following the Rewa River downstream to Burebasaga creek on its left bank. Thence by Burebasaga creek to Naqio.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to the mouth of the Nasala or Nasoata River at the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast southerly, westerly and northerly, to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Makuluva, Nasoata, Nukulau, Sagasaga and Taituraga.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 11 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Suva shall comprise that portion of the province of Rewa bounded by a line running from the south coast to Viti Levu at the mouth of the Samabula River on the north side of Laucala Bay north westerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Wailosilosi on the right bank of the Waimanu River.

Thence following the Waimanu River upstream to Navukawaqa.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to Naivakacau on the sea coast.

Thence by the sea coast in a general easterly direction to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the island of Namuka.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP 11 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Serua shall comprise all that portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the south coast of Viti Levu at Qalimaca Point one mile west from Navutulevu village northerly for a distance of approximately 23 miles to Vatunilevaleva Trigonometrical Station.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 7 miles to Tikituru Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 37 miles to the mouth of the Togoru River on the south coast of Viti Levu.

Thence by the sea coast in a general westerly direction to the point of commencement, excluding Portion No 2 Wainikoroiluva Tikina.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Serua, Yanuca, Ugaga and Cakaunisici (Bird Island).

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 12 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nuku shall comprise that portion of the province of Serua bounded by a line running from the south-west corner of the Wainikaroko freehold on the sea coast in Yarawa Bay northerly for a direction of approximately 5 miles to Korokayiu or Naoabekualevu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 7 miles to Lokalevu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to Natidrovia on the right bank of the Navua River.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to Naqarakowaisea earthmound on Wainasavu creek.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 13 miles to the sea coast in Rovodrau Bay.

Thence along the sea coast generally westerly to the point of commencement, excluding Tikina Serua Portion No 2.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 12 in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Serua shall comprise the following portions of the province of Serua—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Qalimaca Point on the sea coast about one mile west of Navutulevu village northerly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to Lokalevu Trigonometrical Station.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Korokayiu (Naoabekualevu) Trigonometrical Station.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the sea coast in Yarawa Bay.

Thence following the sea coast generally westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Cakaunisici (Bird Island), Serua, Ugaga and Yanuca.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Matanigasau on the sea coast on the eastern side of Korovou Bay north easterly to the right bank of Waivunu creek.

Thence southerly to the mouth of Wainiveilekutu creek on the sea coast.

Thence along the sea coast south westerly and northerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

(3) Portion No 3

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the mouth of Qaraniqio creek in Rovodrau Bay northerly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to Naqarakowaisea earthmound.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to the confluence of Wainikovu creek with Wainiusaura creek.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Wainavadra on the left bank of the Navua River.

Thence north easterly and south easterly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to the mouth of the Togoru River on the south coast of Viti Levu.

Thence by the sea coast in a general westerly direction to the point of commencement, excluding Portion No 2 Tikina Wainikoroiluva.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

(4) Portion No 4

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Natidrovia on the right bank of the Navua River upstream to its confluence with Nubuonaboto creek.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 11 miles to Vunaovatu.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Tikituru Trigonometrical Station.

Thence south easterly for a distance approximately 10 miles to the right bank of the Navua River.

Thence upstream along the Navua River to the point of commencement.

The whole of such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 12 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The province of Tailevu shall comprise all the following portions of the island of Viti Levu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from the north east coast of Viti Levu at the north western corner of Tanavasu freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 9 miles to Navatuniveiyala earthmound.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 15 miles to the mouth of Kavikamailimali creek on the right bank of the Wainibuka River.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 60 miles to Naiselini on the sea coast.

Thence by the sea coast first northerly and then north westerly to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bau, Caqalai, Leleuvia, Mabualau, Naigani, Nukuleva, Qata, Qoma, Toberua, Vatuicake, Vatulami and Viwa and the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Marakitirokomaba south easterly for a distance of approximately half a mile to Nasasa No 1 earthmound on the southern ridge of Suva Viti (Suvalailai) village.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile.

Thence north westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile to the point of commencement.

Both such areas being more particularly delineated and edged in red on Plan PP 13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.

(a) The Tikina of Bau

The tikina of Bau shall comprise the following portions of the province of Tailevu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Matanibure on the left bank of the Rewa River at the south western corner of Vucimaca freehold easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to the mouth of the Dravo or Waidamu River at the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast generally north westerly to Qilaqila at the mouth of Qilaqila creek.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to the junction of Wainawa creek with the Rewa River on its left bank.

Thence following the Rewa River downstream to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Bau, Caqalai, Drala, Leleuvia, Mabualau, Nakalawaca, Telau, Toberua and Viwa and the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Matameirabala earthmound on the sea coast and on the northern boundary of Navuloa freehold northerly for a distance of approximately one mile to Vukava earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast north easterly, easterly and south westerly to Matameirabala earthmound to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

(3) Portion No 3

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Nageseya earthmound on the sea coast in Vunivatu Bay south westerly and north westerly for a distance of approximately 2 miles to a point on the Nasilai River south of the Nukutaiva creek.

Thence north easterly to the mouth of the Kiuva creek on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast southerly and southwesterly along Vunivatu Bay to the point of commencement.

Together with the islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in mauve on Plan PP 13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Nakelo shall comprise the following portions of the province of Tailevu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Matanibure at the south western corner of Vunimaca freehold on the left bank of the Rewa River easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to the mouth of the Dravo or Waidamu River at the sea coast.

Thence crossing the Navuloa River entrance easterly to Vukava.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately one mile to Matameirabala earthmound on the sea coast.

Thence following the boundary of Nuvuloa freehold generally southerly to the mouth of Kiuva creek.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 3 miles to the Nasilai River.

Thence following the Nasilai River downstream to the mouth of Nailagovesi creek.

Thence north easterly for a distance of approximately one mile to Nageseya on the sea coast in Vunivatu Bay.

Thence following the sea coast generally south easterly to Naisalini 1.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 6 miles to Nakaile on the left bank of Burebasaga or Naqio creek at the south eastern edge of Nakaile village.

Thence following Burebasaga creek upstream to its northern mouth on the Rewa River.

Thence following the Rewa River upstream to Matanibure, the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from Marakitirokomaba south easterly for a distance of approximately 0.50 a mile to Nasasa No 1 earthmound on the southern edge of Suva Viti (Suvalailai) village.

Thence south westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile.

Thence north westerly for a distance of approximately half a mile to the point of commencement.

The whole of such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in orange on Plan PP 13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Sawakasa shall comprise that portion of the province of Tailevu bounded by a line running from the sea coast at the westernmost corner of Tanavuso freehold southerly for a distance of approximately 22 miles to the junction of Naitevutevuniibe creek with Waica creek at Naitevutevuniibe earthmound.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 7 miles to the mouth of Togacreek on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast northerly and north westerly to the point of commencement excluding Portion No 2 Tikina Wainibuka.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Naigani, Nukulevu, Omini, Qata, Qomalevu and Vatuicake and the small islands adjacent thereto.

The whole of such area being more particularly delineated and edged in yellow on Plan PP 13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Verata shall comprise that portion of the province of Tailevu bounded by a line running from the mouth of Toga creek on the sea coast easterly for a distance of approximately 20 miles to the junction of Wainimolau creek with the left bank of the Wainimala River.

Thence south easterly for a distance of approximately 18 miles to Delaiwaivule.

Thence south easterly and north easterly for a distance of approximately 5 miles to the mouth of Naqilaqila creek at Qilaqila on the sea coast.

Thence following the sea coast generally northerly to the mouth of Toga Creek, to the point of commencement.

Together with the small islands adjacent thereto and the islands of Tawainave and Vatulami.

The whole of such portions being more particularly delineated and edged in green on Plan PP13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.


The tikina of Wainibuka shall comprise the following portions of the province of Tailevu—

(1) Portion No 1

That portion of the island of Viti Levu bounded by a line running from a rock on a ridge about 3.5 chains southerly from Navatuniveiyala.

Thence southerly for a distance of approximately 12 miles to the junction of Naitevutevuniibe creek with Waica creek at Naitevutevuniibe.

Thence westerly for a distance of approximately 16 miles to the source of Waidaurewa creek.

Thence northerly for a distance of approximately 10 miles to the junction of Kavikamalimali creek with the right bank of the Wainibuka River.

Thence easterly for a distance of approximately 14 miles to the point of commencement.

(2) Portion No 2

That portion of the island of Viti Levu commencing at Waimako on the right bank of the Wainivesi River about 50 chains south easterly from Naivicula village westerly and north westerly for a distance of approximately 4 miles to Nakoba.

Thence South easterly for a distance of 3 miles to Gusuiwaidrou on the right bank of the Wainivesi River.

Thence downstream along the Wainivesi River, passing Naivicula village, to the point of commencement.

The whole of such portions being delineated and edged in brown on Plan PP 13 deposited in the office of the Director of Lands.