14.3.1 Any person or organisation intending to carry out water sports activities
whether for reward or not to be held in sheltered waters or inshore waters of Fiji which might impeded on the safe navigation of any ocean going ship especially near the vicinity of normal shipping routes, lanes or channels, shall apply to the Chief Executive Officer for approval of such an activity.
Any person who fails to comply with this paragraph commits an infringement offence in accordance of section 262 of the Act and is liable to a fine not exceeding $1,000.
14.3.2 Approval of any water sports activities by the Chief Executive Officer is subject to the submission of a Safety Plan by a person or an organisation to the Authority which should outline emergency procedures including—
14.3.3 The safety plan referred to in paragraph 14.3.2 is to be approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
14.3.4 Any water sporting activities undertaken by any individual or organisation whether local or foreigner shall adhere to the instructions given by the Chief Executive Officer and ensure that such activities do not impede on the navigation of ocean going ships of any size.
Any person who fails to comply with this paragraph commits an infringement offence and is liable to a fine of $500.
14.3.5 Hotel and resort owners having guests that are engaged in water sporting activities should apply to the Chief Executive Officer for approval and meet all the requirements of this section.
14.3.6 The individual or organisation shall for the purpose of paragraph 14.3.4, erect sign boards to notify the general public on the requirements of the Authority for any water sports activities which should include the demarcation of the area approved by the Authority for water sports activities, safety gear required and any instructions to ensure that safety at sea is not compromised.