Last Updated: 19 September 2023

[MC 68] Rules of court68 

The Chief Justice may make rules of court for all or any of the following purposes—
  • (a)for regulating the practice and procedure of Magistrates Courts in matters not specifically provided for in this or any other Act;
  • (b)for regulating the forms to be used and all matters connected therewith;
  • (c)for regulating the receipt of moneys paid into court, or received or recovered under or by virtue of any process of execution or distress;
  • (d)for regulating the payment out of court of all moneys to the persons entitled thereto;
  • (e)for prescribing the books and forms of account to be kept or used in Magistrates Courts;
  • (f)for prescribing fees, costs and amounts for service of process which may be demanded and received by clerks of court and others in connection with the practice and procedure of the courts;
  • (g)for prescribing the acceptance, retention and disposal of fees and costs;
  • (h)for fixing tables of fees and costs recoverable by barrister and solicitor for their services on taxation and providing for the taxation of the same;
  • (i)for prescribing the allowances and expenses to be paid to any witness in any civil proceedings;
  • (j)for the better carrying into effect of the provisions and objects and intentions of this Act.

[s 68 am Act 12 of 1974 s 6, effective 24 May 1974]